The gastronomy of origins

Sagardi Group was born in 1994 with the aim of seeking gastronomic roots, to offer high-quality, solid, and authentic proposals. A project that we have consolidated over the years as a recognized prestigious reference in the world of hospitality, initially specializing in quality Basque cuisine and currently diversifying into other culinary cultures.

Over 25 years of experience

The project began with the brothers Iñaki and Mikel López de Viñaspre, when they opened the first restaurant in the historic center of Barcelona, Irati, —the seed of original Basque gastronomy concepts—. Since then, we have evolved and grown, becoming a project in full international expansion and a brand fully established in the national gastronomic scene, where we have 15 brands and more than 30 establishments.

An expanding project

At Sagardi Group, we base our business model on the self-management of our establishments. We began our international foray in 2008 by crossing the Atlantic to open our first restaurant in Buenos Aires. Currently, we are also present in Porto, London, Amsterdam, and plan to open new restaurants in the main culinary capitals of the world.

At Sagardi Group, we envision our international development through the creation of a Joint Venture with a local investment partner —we do not offer franchises or licenses—. Our goal is the establishment of a company in the destination country and the development of a restaurant group to implement the different brands that make up our project.


Some recent news

Black pudding day in Llodio

At the end of August, in Llodio, a mountainous town in Alava, 20 minutes by car from Bilbao, celebrates the festivities in honour of its patron saint, San Roque.

Product Seasonal

Recipe: enjoy at home our roasted peaches

For those looking for a delicious and healthy way to enjoy peaches, our roasted peach recipe is ideal.

Recipes Seasonal

Seasonal recipe: marmitako stew

Marmitako is an incredibly popular and typical Basque dish that is one of our favourites.

Recipes Seasonal

Cochinita Pibil: an authentic Mexican dish

Learn how we made it at Oaxaca.

Product Sagardi Group